Northstar Digital Literacy
The Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment is a free learning tool that provides online, self-guided assessments of digital skills in each of 14 areas, focusing on the foundational skills needed to use a computer and the internet in daily life, employment, and higher education.
The Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment is a series of short tests that determine whether a person has the basic skills needed to perform tasks on computers and online. These skills may be required when you are seeking employment or furthering your education. It will help improve your computer skills and show employers what you know.
The Pasquotank County Library is offering Northstar proctoring service so that you may earn certificates that can be added to your resume to give it a boost.
The Pasquotank County Library offers free computer courses to enable you to learn more about computer programs and the computer. A schedule of classes and descriptions can be found at Computer Instruction.
For more information and to register for classes, you can call Mike at (252) 335-7536 or email